Boulé and CC Baker Scholars are to be selected from among the Senior Scholars in the final year of high school. They would be the best of the best . . . high achieving students admitted to a 4‐year college or university. They would be students who display high potential for meeting the following performance criteria that also will be used to assess their performance during their college matriculation. The criteria are listed in rank order of importance.
- A male graduating senior with an ACT score of at least 21 or an equivalent SAT score.
- Academic performance: GPA of 3.0 or higher for CC Baker Scholarship and 3.5 or higher for Boulé Scholarship; preferably ranked high on academic honor rolls.
- Leadership: Measured by election as an officer of an extra‐curricular organization, or other leadership indicator, such as officer on the student newspaper.
- Arts and cultural engagement: Awareness of, and participation in, the arts and cultural activities on the campus.
- Civic engagement: Participation in community service, including youth mentorship on or off the campus.
- Athletics: Participation in intramural or other competitive sports.
Scholars will be expected to display satisfactory performance on at least two of the four non‐GPA criteria.
Required Documents
- Completed Application, Picture and Resume
- Official high school transcript
- 500 word essay on applicant's life goals
- Copy of college/university acceptance letter
- Letter of endorsement from applicant's high school counselor
- Two letters of endorsement from applicant's senior class teachers